Histories of Natural History in Western Australia
A symposium
Join us for a two day symposium in Albany, Western Australia, to discuss natural history collections and collecting.
Email tiffany.shellam@deakin.edu.au for more information
A symposium
Join us for a two day symposium in Albany, Western Australia, to discuss natural history collections and collecting.
Email tiffany.shellam@deakin.edu.au for more information
We look forward to updating and being updated on research in CTW over the past quarter. Please come along to share a 5 minute presentation of your research and catch up with what everyone else has been doing. We'll be in touch closer to the time with more details including the location but for now, please do save the date.
10-11 December 2018, Australian Centre, Faculty of Arts, The University of Melbourne: Call for Papers.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 200 words by Friday 6 July, 2018. Papers should be no more than 20 mins. Suggestions for panel discussions are welcome.
This conference aims to bring together new approaches to colonial Australia across the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Colonialism puts a range of practices and discourses into play: violent encounters, dispossession, trauma, ‘development’, ‘civilisation’, governance, trade, and so on. It produces endless narratives about what it is, what it does and the lives it radically changes. It is both immensely destructive and energetically productive: recording its various practices and discourses through a rapidly growing range of media and visual technologies.
The narratives of colonialism worked to reinvent Australia in colonialism’s image, leaving us with legacies and frameworks that continue to shape who we are and how we identify to the world around us. Sometimes we try to ‘forget’ colonialism, but it constantly claims us and returns to us; we continue to live in its aftermath.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 200 words by Friday 6 July, 2018. Papers should be no more than 20 mins. Suggestions for panel discussions are welcome.
All submissions to Ken Gelder: kdgelder@unimelb.edu.au.
'To Imagine an Australian Museum'
Berndt Research Foundation Biennial Lecture - Prof John Carty
Presented by The Berndt Research Foundation in partnership with the Berndt Museum of Anthropology
The Professor Ronald M and Dr Catherine H Berndt Research Foundation and Berndt Museum, invite you to the 2018 Ronald M and Catherine H Berndt Biennial Lecture with Guest Speaker Professor John Carty.
The address will be followed by a reception at the University Club, Hosted by the Berndt Research Foundation Members.
'To Imagine an Australian Museum'
Museums are our memory banks. They tell us where we have come from. They also allow us to imagine where we are heading. Which is why it should trouble us that there has never been a truly Australian museum. Each of our state and federal museums has been built on Aboriginal collections, and each has been built on distinctly Western or European concepts, values, categories and practices. Some of these are unavoidable, but are they all? Are we too far down the path to restump the foundations of our institutions and the narratives they perpetuate in public life?
The South Australian Museum holds one of the most important collections of Aboriginal material culture in the world. It is therefore, given the story it can tell about ancient and enduring cultures, one of the most important collections of human heritage on our planet. What we do with such collections, and what we don’t, defines us. This is the great challenge of contemporary custodianship. These collections are calling us out.
In this lecture I examine the South Australian Museum’s response to this challenge. Over the past two years our Museum has undertaken a comprehensive rethink of our policies and practices and the politics of both. We are also transforming the way we work with Aboriginal communities and custodians. This is not simply a question of how collections are displayed or exhibitions are developed. We are rethinking the terms of our custodianship, and the kind of truly Australian Museum that could evolve around those new foundations.
About Professor John Carty
John Carty is Professor of Anthropology at the University of Adelaide, the Head of Humanities at the South Australian Museum, and is on the Australian National Commission for UNESCO. He is the author and editor of numerous books including Ngaanyatjarra: Art of the Lands (2012, UWAP), Ngurra Kuju Walyja: the Canning Stock Route Project (2011, Palgrave Macmillan) and Yiwarra Kuju: The Canning Stock Route (2010, National Museum of Australia), amongst others. John has been integrally involved in many projects including the Canning Stock Route project (as anthropologist and curator) and the CSIRO’s Desert Lake project, and is currently involved in an ARC funded project called Aboriginal Art History: new approaches to Western Desert Art, which involves working in collaboration with Aboriginal artists to document their understandings of recent developments in Aboriginal art.
Event details
Wednesday 4 July 2018
6:00 - 7:00 pm (lecture); 7:00 to 8:00 pm (reception)
Auditorium, The University Club of WA
Parking is available in Carpark 3 via the Hackett Drive Entrance 1
Register online by 2 July or call 08 6488 4785
We hope you can join us over lunch at the UWA Club. We'll be recapping 18 months of CTW and updating you on our direction for the rest of the year.
Biennial Conference, 4 October 2018 – 6 October 2018: Call for papers.
Please send paper and panel proposals (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion per paper) in English or German (200-300 words per paper) by 30 April 2018.
Australian Perspectives on Migration
The 2018 biennial GASt conference will address cultural, social, historical, legal, and (geo)political issues related to the contemporary global challenge of migration and displacement – with more than 60 million displaced persons world-wide – from an Australian perspective.
The interrelation of these issues is apparent in the long history of migration on the Australian continent, from its earliest settlement to the colonial period, to the 20th and the 21st centuries. From its colonial beginnings the political, legal, social and cultural implications of migration have featured prominently in the formation of the Australian nation and its cultural “imaginary” (Anderson). This is evident in exclusionary politics during different periods of a White Australia Policy, and the forced detention of aliens from 1992 onwards. More recently, campaigns like the “Pacific Solution” or “Operation Sovereign Borders” foreground the necessity to reflect the situation of immigrants and refugees in Australia in a global context causing migrations for political, economic and climate-related reasons on an unprecedented increasing and accelerating scale.
Based on these questions, GASt 2018 invites papers and panel proposals from all academic fields to engage in topics that include but are not limited to:
•policies and histories of migration
•issues of nationalism and national sovereignty
•the legal status and governance of refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs etc.
•biopolitics and the de-humanization of migrants
•the acknowledgement of climate refugees
•isssues of displacement, resettlement, home, and diaspora
•questions of precarity in the context of migration
•issues of gender
•migrant and refugee stories in life writing, novels, drama, performance, and other artistic expressions and negotiations
•the use and impact of digital and social media
The conference will be hosted by Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf and organized by GASt and the Section for Anglophone Literatures and Literary Translation of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.
Confirmed speakers include: Paul Arthur | Bill Ashcroft | Emma Cox | Sneja Gunew | Eureka Henrich | Wenzel Michalski | Klaus Neumann | Derya Ozkul | Elaine Pearson | Lynette Russell | Gwenda Tavan | Gillian Whitlock | Matthew Zagor
We also invite proposals for posters as well as work in progress presentations of undergraduate and graduate students in our new format “Forthcoming”. Please submit abstracts for project presentations (200 words) by 18 May 2018.
Contact: Dr. Katrin Althans (e-mail: GASt2018@hhu.de)
SRO lunchtime seminars are designed to inform researchers about the State Records Office, the State Archives Collection, historical and other research based on archival sources. The seminars provide researchers with an opportunity to meet fellow researchers, learn about members of staff and provides a forum for questions and discussions in a relaxed and friendly environment. Tea and coffee are provided.
More details: https://www.slwa.wa.gov.au/whats-on/events-exhibitions/find-what-you-want-state-archives-collection-%E2%80%93-seminar-beginners-and
FREE | South West Room, State Records Office of WA
A practical two-day course to health check your policies, governance and National Standards alignment, review your documentation procedures, and delve into the RWAHS collections.
Ideal for paid and unpaid museum staff looking to refresh existing skills and practice; collecting organisations looking for governance basics and skills development.
Saturday 24 February and Sunday 25 February 2018
10am – 3pm both days
Venue: RWAHS, 49 Broadway, Nedlands
Cost $165.00 (including GST) per person,
includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea both days
More details & Registration:
Join us for a unique 2-day Forum that brings together academics, educators, industry and government to examine how values impact important social issues. It will feature Plenary Addresses by Professor Shalom Schwartz and will include four major themes:
More information & registration:
A masterclass with Professor Shalom Schwartz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and 2018 Institute of Advanced Studies Visiting Fellow.
Values have been of interest to scholars for over a century, yet there are still important developments to be made in our understanding of values, including:
Join Professor Shalom Schwartz for a masterclass discussing anything and everything related to the study of human and cultural values. This masterclass is targeted at postgraduate students and early career researchers who have a special interest in values theory, measurement, and application.
Institute of Advanced Studies, UWA
Cost: Free
Audience: Postgraduate Students, Early Career Researchers, Academics, Professional Researchers
Registration: http://www.ias.uwa.edu.au/masterclass/schwartz
We hope you can come to the first of our QRUs for 2018. These meetings are an opportunity to share your CTW related research.
9am arrival for 9:15am start - 12pm Monday 19 February
North West Room, SLWA
Thanks to SLWA for hosting. We hope you can join us for lunch afterwards.
Please join us over lunch to kick off our second year and catch up with members of our team visiting from interstate and overseas.
Please join us to mark the end of CTW's first year!
Open to UWA researchers
"I invite all UWA researchers to take advantage of this new streamlined approach to grant writing that aims to save time, reduce administrative uncertainty, and improve application quality."
Robyn Owens, DVCR
See http://www.research.uwa.edu.au/staff/rdo/sasp for workshop dates.
The Museums Galleries Australia Indigenous Roadmap project is an initiative to facilitate discussion on how best to advance the participation and representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in museums and galleries.
The project aims to develop the Museums Galleries Australia Indigenous 10-Year Roadmap. This document will map out a plan for Indigenous engagement and employment over the next 10 years.
Workshop: 28th November 2017 SLWA
Terri Janke and Company has designed an open workshop to discuss this important project with you. The goal is to obtain your feedback to generate a clear path for the Roadmap which will create better engagement over the next decade.
Who should attend?
We encourage Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists; museum, gallery and art centre staff members, curators, Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, researcher, art dealers, students and museum visitors to attend.
If you are unable to attend the workshop, you can send a submission of your responses.
What will be discussed in the workshop:
· What are the current Issues
· What should be in the MGA Roadmap?
· How will success be measured?
· What will be the future benchmarks?
· Who will be responsible for enforcement?
· What should be in the updated Continuing Cultures principles document?
Register for the workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-mga-indigenous-roadmap-perth-workshop-tickets-38824881265
Great Southern Room
State Library of Western Australia,
25 Francis St
Perth, WA 6000
A conference to be held at Deakin University’s Burwood Campus, Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th November, 2017.
Anyone is welcome to attend but please note that presentations are by invitation.
Conference theme
Critical interest in archives also draws attention to the transformative effects of digitisation, to contradictory forces that allow archived materials to be accessed outside of the material (in both architectural and paper-based) forms that house ‘originals’, through online databases and virtual museums, while also making the management of collections precariously vulnerable to shifting regimes of governmental support. In the digital era there is special concern for the fragility of ‘originals’ and for the looming crisis of technological obsolescence.
While archival research has traditionally been the purview of historians, since the 1980s the postcolonial politics of community engagement and repatriation have triggered a variety of new kinds of research engagements between institutions, community stakeholders and scholars, often resulting in new forms of archival production.
Indigenous communities especially —historically subject to sustained archival attention — call for decentring and decolonising practices to transform institutions.
Informed by histories of the production of colonial knowledge, and responding to new and interdisciplinary directions in archival theory and research (led by Ann Laura Stoler, Jeannette Bastian, Terry Cook, Antoinette Burton and others) this conference will bring together researchers, practitioners, industry partners and communities to discuss the critical elements of working with and through archives in the present. We also hope to include artists who are responding to the archive creatively, such as Indigenous performance makers and artists.
This two day conference will interrogate the history of knowledge production, the practice of archiving and the process of working with, along, or against the grain of the archive. It will be structured around the following ideas:
1. History of the idea of archives and their role in colonisation and the production of colonial knowledge
2. Different approaches to dealing with the power asymmetry within the archives: working along and against the archival grain
3. Democratising and decolonising the archive
4. Politics and processes of digitisation
We also welcome papers that engage with the following themes:
- Politics and power of colonial archives
- Histories, biographies and geographies of archives
- Materiality of archives
- Inscriptive practices
- Mediations within the archive
- Non-western archives
- Counter archives
- Indigenous archives
- Archives in the landscape/environment
- Digital archives and the process of digitisation
Keynote Speakers include:
Professor Jeannette Bastian, Simmons School of Library and Information Science, Boston
Professor Tony Ballantyne, University of Otago, NZ
Professor Lynette Russell, Monash Indigenous Studies Centre, Monash
Stephen Kinnane, Nulungu Research Institute, WA
Dr Chris Owen, University of Western Australia
Dr Rachel Buchanan, Curator, Germaine Greer archive, University of Melbourne
Rsvp regarding your interest and availability ASAP
Friday 29th September 2017 Abstracts (300 words) and short bios (100-200 words) to be submitted
Abstracts, bios, and any queries can be directed to:
Tiffany Shellam tiffany.shellam@deakin.edu.au
+61 3 9244 3943
Joanna Cruickshank joanna.cruickshank@deakin.edu.au
+61 3 5227 2510
The Department of Information Studies and The HIVE at Curtin University welcome Dr. Ricky Punzalan from the University of Maryland, College Park to give a talk on the ethics of digitisation and display of content from ethnographic archives.
Title: Ethnographic Photographs & the Ethics of Display: Possibilities in the Age of Virtual Reunification
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ethnographic-photographs-the-ethics-of-display-tickets-37634443634
Libraries, archives, and museums are making great strides to digitize their archival holdings. The availability of digital surrogates has encouraged the creation of digital projects that facilitate collections management and content delivery. Virtual reunification offers possibilities to create and assemble digital versions of archives, artifacts, rare books, manuscripts, and other literary or artistic works of common origin that have been geographically dispersed for historical, political, or cultural reasons. Cultural heritage scholars have noted the potential of virtual reunification for facilitating “digital repatriation” and in enabling “cultural diplomacy.” However, access to ethnographic archives presents unique ethical concerns given their sensitive content and context of creation.
In this presentation, I will discuss the case of Dean C. Worcester’s ethnographic photographs of the U.S. colonial Philippines and the issues that hinder attempts to provide consolidated access to this dispersed collection. Worcester served as a U.S. administrator in the Philippines from 1899 to 1913. The photographs, which were taken during “ethnological surveys” to document the Indigenous communities of the islands, are currently dispersed among ten libraries, museums and archives in North America and Europe. As cultural heritage institutions facilitate virtual reunification projects, the ethics of online displays and the digital returns of Indigenous images pose concerns for scholars and Native communities.
This presentation will investigate some of the ways in which the desire to provide access contends with respectful representation.
Presenter Bio:
Ricardo L. Punzalan is an assistant professor of archives and digital curation at the College of Information Studies, affiliate faculty in the Department of Anthropology, and co-director of Museum Scholarship and Material Culture program at the University of Maryland, College Park. In 2016, he received an early-career grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to study and develop strategies to assess the impact of access to digitized ethnographic archives for academic and Indigenous community users. He also examines ‘virtual reunification’ as a strategy to provide integrated access to dispersed ethnographic archival images online. He leads a team of postdoctoral scholars and masters’ fellows to enhance agricultural data curation efforts at the U.S. National Agricultural Library. He holds a Ph.D. in Information as well as graduate certificates in Science, Technology, and Society (STS) and Museum Studies from the University of Michigan. He previously taught on the faculty of the University of the Philippines School of Library and Information Studies. His articles have been published in leading library and archives academic journals, including the Library Quarterly, American Archivist, Archivaria, andArchival Science. In 2012, he received the Hugh A. Taylor Prize from the Association of Canadian Archivists for his co-authored article in Archivariaon users and uses of digitized photographic archives.
Please note that food and drink are not permitted in The HIVE, however attendees are welcome to join us for a casual BYO lunch following the presentation (location to be announced on the day).
Registration is essential as seats are strictly limited.
Public Lecture with Verne Harris
Tim Winton Lecture Theatre, Building 213:101, Curtin University, Bentley
Time: 3:45pm for a 4:00pm start
RSVP: MCCAAdmin@curtin.edu.au by Wednesday 13 September
The Centre for Human Rights Education and the Department of Information Studies at Curtin University would like to invite you to a public lecture by award-winning South African archivist and scholar, Verne Harris. This lecture will explore the role of archive and memory work in struggles for social justice within a frame set up by these questions:
About Verne Harris
Director of Archive and Dialogue at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Verne Harris was Mandela’s archivist from 2004 to 2013. He is an honorary research fellow with the University of Cape Town, participated in a range of structures which transformed South Africa’s apartheid archival landscape, including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and is a former Deputy Director of the National Archives. Widely published, he is probably best-known for leading the editorial team on the best-seller Nelson Mandela: Conversations with Myself. He is the recipient of an honorary doctorate from the University of Cordoba in Argentina (2014), archival publication awards from Australia, Canada and South Africa, and both his novels were short-listed for South Africa’s M-Net Book Prize. He has served on the Boards of Archival Science, the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, the Freedom of Expression Institute, and the South African History Archive.
The Remarkable 1960s: reflections on history, political activism, and the 1967 Referendum by Ann Curthoys.
This lecture explores Australia’s politics of race leading up to the 1967 Referendum. The referendum aimed to change the Australian constitution in order to grant the Commonwealth the power for the first time to make laws specifically concerning Indigenous people and to include them in the census. It was passed by 90.77% of voters. In exploring the historical context for the Referendum, I look first at the political upheavals concerning race in the 1960s, with special attention to the Freedom Ride of 1965, in which I was involved. I trace the broader international influences on Australian racial politics. I also look further back in time to explore why it was that constitution-making in Australia, whether for self-governing colonies in the British Empire or for the new nation of Australia in 1901, so consistently involved visions of self-determination from which Indigenous people were excluded. Finally, I ask, what is the legacy of these histories for Australia today?
Ann Curthoys is an honorary professor at UWA and Emeritus Professor at ANU. She has written widely on aspects of Australian history, and on questions of historical theory and writing. Her books include Freedom Ride: A Freedom rider Remembers (2002); Is History Fiction? (with John Docker, 2005); How to Write History that People Want to Read (with Ann McGrath, 2009). She has edited many collections of essays. Her latest book, written jointly with Jessie Mitchell, Taking Liberty: Indigenous Rights and Settler Self-Government, is currently in press with Cambridge University Press.
After the Referendum… the emotional things changed by Shino Konishi.
Indigenous memories’ Since the late 1990s a number of historians have argued against the ‘myth’ that the 1967 Referendum granted Aboriginal people the right to vote, pointing out that the Referendum only concerned enabling the Commonwealth Government to legislate for Aboriginal people, and including Indigenous people in the census. Yet, as Frances Peters-Little observes, the Referendum meant so much more for Aboriginal people, and is remembered as the time we became citizens in our own country. In this presentation, I will build on her work, exploring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s memories of the 1967 Referendum, and in particular, the way emotions imbue these memories.
Shino Konishi is a descendant of the Yawuru people of Broome. She is a historian based at UWA, and is a chief investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. Her books include The Aboriginal Male in the Enlightenment World (2012) and the co-edited collections Indigenous Intermediaries: New Perspectives on the Exploration Archives (2015) and Brokers and Boundaries: Colonial Exploration in Indigenous Territory (2016). She is now beginning a new ARC project on Indigenous biography
Great Southern Room, 4th Floor, Alexander Library Building, Perth Cultural Centre
A public lecture by Tony Ballantyne, Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Colonial Culture, University of Otago
The links between British empire building and its shifting relationships with Europe have frequently been overlooked by historians, in part because they have been seen as two fundamentally distinct fields of inquiry.
Using the debates around Brexit as it departure point, this talk explores some of the key connections between the project of empire building and Britain’s engagements with Europe, tracing some key points of convergence from the 1760s on. But it will also explore the shifting terrain of recent historiography, tracing the ways in which Europe and empire have figured within British historical writing since the 1970s and how those relationships have also figured in important work from the former settler colonies.
Tony Ballantyne is a Professor of History and Pro-Vice Chancellor Humanities at the University of Otago, where he is also a Co-Director of the Centre for Research on Colonial Culture. He has published widely on the cultural history of the British Empire and his most recent sole-authored book is the award-winning Entanglements of Empire: Missionaries, Maori and the Question of the Body (Duke University Press, 2015).
Fox Lecture Theatre, Arts, UWA
Reserve your seat: http://www.ias.uwa.edu.au/lectures/ballantyne
Professor Alistair Paterson will present new research on the history of the Northwest and explore what the colonial coastal frontier was like for Aboriginal communities facing the extreme challenges of European settlement. Bringing together archival sources, collected objects held in museums with historical archaeological fieldwork, a new regional analysis will be revealed producing a new history of the Northwest, 100 years since J.S. Battye’s History of the Northwest.
Great Southern Room, SLWA
Great Southern Room, SLWA
It's not a CTW project, but promises to be interesting anyway :)
Come along to a talk by CTW Chief Investigator Jenny Gregory. The Emeritus Professor builds on her doctorate from 30 years ago to reveal how Dalkeith and Nedlands became what they are.
Nedlands Library.
Work Package Leaders to map project outcomes in more detail.
Shipwrecks Museum Boardroom, Fremantle
PhD candidate Donna Oxenham presents her thesis proposal: 'The Power of an Image: Indigenous Photographic Archives in a Digital Age and how Aboriginal Communities benefit.'
Philippa Maddern Seminar Room Arts 1.33 UWA
A film screening followed by a panel discussion with Professor Andrea Witcomb, Deakin University; Professor Ben Smith, UWA; Dr John Taylor, UWA; Rebecca Repper, Oxford University and UWA.
Join us for this powerful award-winning film on the war against culture, and the battle to save it.
Theatre Auditorium, The University Club of Western Australia
Cost: Free
Audience: General Public, Faculty/Staff, Students, Alumni
Book: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-destruction-of-memory-film-screening-tickets-35854968175
CTW WP leaders to meet with NMP team to discuss best way of integrating CTW research into the new museum.
150 William St
Perth WA
Agenda: -- oral history program -- Royals engagement plan -- Digitisation prospects -- finalised data management plan -- KEE Disruptive Technology and Collecting Institutions and partnership -- dates.... -- Publication plan and internal reports published to CTW web site -- protocols
Al, Andrea, Jenny, Kate, Denise, Baige & Dirima
Social Sciences/Archaeology • M257, Perth WA 6009 Australia